Beginner Lessons
These are a complete set of lessons for anyone new to MINDSTORMS. They start with an introduction to the programming environment and end with a basic line follower. Complete these lessons in order.
Intermediate Lessons
These lessons are for teams ready to learn how to create My Blocks with inputs and outputs, use Data Wires and incorporate Parallel Beams.
Advanced Lessons
These lessons are for the advanced user and include Proportional Control, using the Gyro Sensor, and Squaring on Lines.
Going Beyond
These lessons are intended for a user who has completed all our lessons and wants to try something new. They include lessons on third-party sensors.
Robot Designs
This section has many robot designs with building instructions or CAD files to learn from. Many designs have been contributed by collaborators.
About Us
Founded in 2014, EV3Lessons has grown to become the premier site for learning to program the EV3.